Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Student Athletes in Quarantine

With the Covid-19 pandemic still ongoing and Galileo still stuck in distance learning, student athletes are waiting to find out if there will be a sports this year. In the event though that schools are allowed to open and schools can participate in sports, Galileo athletes are doing everything they can to try to stay in shape and be ready just in case sports is allowed to come back this year.  

Most athletes are using pushing themselves to stay ready in case their is a season for them. 12th Grade senior and varsity linemen, Mohamed Meftah, has managed to stay in shape by working out everyday. If Mohamed is allowed to return to play football, he is focused on his goal of winning a long desired state championship. Mohamed  has kept up his routine of practicing everyday in his front yard in hopes of a new season.“I am definitely ready for the season and I am sure [if there is a season] my team and I are leaving with the championship ring.”   

His teammate and fellow team captain, senior, Abdul Aziz Ali has also kept his work ethic up in hopes of returning to the field once again. “I’ve been working out almost everyday and staying active by going to a basketball court after school or on weekends. The downside is that I miss a lot of work and don’t have the energy to do anything because I can’t be on a screen all day long, ” said Abdul.

Another athlete who hasn’t let the pandemic slow down his preparation for his season is  varsity basketball player, junior Tyler Lee. “I have been practicing during quarantine. I have been jump roping and keeping a consistent streak of 200 push-ups a night. what motivates me is that I have nothing else to do expect to get better,” said Tyler.

He also explains the difficulties he faced in his effort of staying fit for the season and how he overcame it, saying “Some challenges during this pandemic were gaining some weight. I overcame this by working out after school or at night downstairs in my park.” He not only misses playing basketball, but also just being around the guys on the team. He said, “I miss the funny messed up plays with the team, as well as suicides and getting better with the team as one.”

While some athletes have been working out physically to stay ready for their season, some are just focusing on school for now, but staying mentally focused in case their sports season does begin. Senior Joanne Huang hasn’t been doing any physical exercises, but is still looking forward to starting her tennis season. “While I don’t feel as confident playing with lower stamina. I’m ready to play tennis with my friends and teammates again.” Joanne is very confident that she will be back to playing and practicing for her final year in high school. One thing she looks forward to is meeting her teammates and after practice just going out for ice cream.

Varsity basketball player, senior Daniel Li has also been absent from working out consistently due to his injury from last season where he tore his ACL; instead, he has been focusing on recovery. When asked about his routine, he says, “I have been working on my free throws during quarantine because those are the one thing that I struggle with the most. I try to do it 3 times a week so I can keep it consistent. I have also been strengthening leg muscle to absorb knee shock.”

He says he is motivated by a potential season, however there are still some obstacles that are getting in the way of his recovery, “I encountered a lot of challenges. I can’t work on my conditioning because my knee still hurts. However I am starting to jog a little bit and working on my physical strength more.” Daniel isn’t very confident about a new season, he is very cautious about the virus, but still hopes for the season to return as he misses playing on the team with his friends.

Current coach for the boys varsity basketball team, Mark Huynh recommends that student athletes should continue to workout when they can because as athletes they are used to training and if they don’t get to working out they can get depressed or not have the body ready when sport happens. 

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