My Ramadan Experience

My Ramadan Experience

Ramadan is my favorite month of the year. It’s a chance for me to become closer with God, read more of the Quran, feel more connected with other muslims &…
My History with Digital Communication

My History with Digital Communication

For years, I have been drawn towards creative mediums such as digital design and video. During COVID lockdowns, I spent much of my time “acquiring” Adobe software like Premiere Pro…
LionDanceME’s Las Vegas Oppertunity

LionDanceME’s Las Vegas Oppertunity

LionDanceMe has been giving performance opportunities in Las Vegas for the last 15 years. Each year, 20+ new recruits have the opportunity to participate in the Las Vegas trip, whether…
My Issue with Book Banning

My Issue with Book Banning

Since his previous term, President Trump has been known to support conservative groups that organize and enforce book banning in schools within the country, along with endorsing politicians who act…
Life as an Only Child

Life as an Only Child

Growing up, I was jealous of my friends who had siblings. I was bitter watching TV shows where the siblings of the show would argue, but would always have each…
The Reoccuring Journey

The Reoccuring Journey

The sounds of my alarm seep into my dreams and the bright lights of my bedroom shine directly in my eyes. As the time glows back “5:00 am”, I force…
Finally gaining some relief

Finally gaining some relief

As I approach the last week of my three year service on the ASB, I’ve finally gained a sense of relief from some of the responsibility I’ve felt after the…
Shaping Myself Through Covid

Shaping Myself Through Covid

As a senior looking back on my high school career, I’ve come to realize that being at home freshman year was probably the best thing that happened to me because…
Picking Up the Camera

Picking Up the Camera

With a passion for art as a background, one hobby that I gained this year was a passion for photography, and as I continue to grow better at it, I’m…
Bryson Tiller back in the Bay

Bryson Tiller back in the Bay

Expecting a fun experience, I was excited to go see R&B artist, Bryson Tiller on tour at the Bill Graham Auditorium on May 14th, who was coming back to San…
Exploring art this year

Exploring art this year

I typically have never thought of myself as a particularly artsy person. My twin sister, who now goes to SOTA, has always been incredibly skilled and talented in drawing, painting,…