Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Shockingly stress-free journalism with Mr. Lee

I’ve never really had a class within my high school journey that I truly enjoyed from beginning to end. Going into high school I had very high expectations due to the movies and shows I would watch, where high school looked like a lot of fun. But when I became a high schooler I was let down as my experience was not what I expected; it turned out to be quite the opposite of what I expected.

The main problem I’ve had in high school is the classes I’ve taken. They’ve caused me a lot of stress and made me feel overwhelmed as I always worry about classwork, homework, and taking tests. There’s always something I have to worry about in other classes. Journalism, though, has given me the positive and pretty much stress-free experience I was looking for in high school.

Interestingly, I wasn’t even supposed to be in journalism though. Originally I signed up for an Arabic class but due to the district not being able to find a teacher to teach the class it was removed and I was placed into journalism. I was pretty upset as I was super excited to be in an Arabic class as it would have been the first time I’d be a part of an Arabic class in school. I was also supposed to also have that class with my friends which was what I was most disappointed about.

At the beginning of journalism, I didn’t understand how the class worked. As the main purpose of the class is to update our website, it was a bit confusing, but the teacher, Mr.Lee, was patient with us and showed us the process step by step which helped me pick it up pretty quick. Every new story I had to post helped me understand how to maneuver through the website better. 

And the longer I was in the class, I started to appreciate taking journalism. I like that we get to be in the know about the school, while also being able to let other students know what’s going on. I also feel like it’s a huge responsibility to  go around the school to find out what is happening. And I’ve become more acquainted with the teachers and staff as I’ve constantly had to talk to them in order to get information. 

Before journalism class I really only heard about things going on at school vaguely, usually told by a teacher who didn’t know much either, so I never felt like I could ask them questions. 

Now I’ve learned how to go find the source of the information and get all the answers to my questions.

I also learned more about the staff at our school and the different responsibilities they have, and I also met staff that I had never seen or heard about before journalism; it has helped me become more aware of my community. 

Overall, I’m glad I was placed in this class since it has shown me what it’s like to learn without feeling pressured. Also, there is a strong sense of community between all of the students and Mr. Lee, which I think helps everyone feel at ease in the classroom and eager to attend. I feel proud of myself for being willing to explore new things and for having an open mind. Being a journalist made me more social, which allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone.

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