Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Stiff Arming With my Teacher

By Jimmy Khuc, staff writer

It was a sunny day outside, the sunlight was shooting through the windows as I sat at my desk patiently staring at a map of the world while also taking glimpses at the college flags my teacher hung in his classes from his own experience. The room smelled of some boxed meal from a grocery store that my teacher had just warmed up in the microwave. Most of my classmates were chattering with one another, while some sat in their desk staring at their phones. I was talking to my friend about our afterschool plans. Then a loud voice erupts, my teacher had asked my friend about her flag football game the previous day to which she replied that it was good and she played well in the game. My teacher then continued to question whether she played well or not in a joking manner as everyone knew that he was that kind of person, a jokester.

He then proceeds to say, “if I was in the flag football game, I would stiff arm you like a five year old,” which for context, my friend is probably only around 5 feet tall. As he said his comment, he also put his hand in my friend’s face as he was actually stiff arming her. The class broke out in laughter and smiles to which I joined in as I couldn’t hold in my laughter. My fellow classmate and friend then joined the conversation by stating, “I’ll stiff arm your son like a five-year-old and I would send him flying,” which was hilarious as my friend mimicked our teacher’s hand motions and everyone knew our teacher had two sons, a five-year-old and a newborn. My teacher responded with, “If you were to stiff arm my five-year-old, I’ll stiff arm you and her (referring to my other classmate) at the same time.” My teacher then  joined in the laughter and just grinned as he walked back to his desk to start our day of learning.

When realizing that as a senior, I’ll probably never step foot back inside Galileo this school year which really made me reflect and remember all the fun and good memories I’ve made at Galileo such as the one above. These types of memories also allow teachers to bond with their students even more as in online school, the environment feels essentially “dead” and boring. You also can’t feel emotion and see emotion through just online school as you have to interact with your surroundings and classmates to create such memories.  Looking back at this memory, all I remember is a very joyous moment where life was relaxed and peaceful.

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