My high school career was always shifting, with me making new friends every year. I’d have to say that junior year was most definitely my favorite year. It was the year I made the most friends, had the most fun classes, and my favorite Song and Yell (we should have won). But the thing I really enjoyed was my digital communications class because I won’t forget the people I hung out with in class & I was able to go around making films and videos.
My digital communications class was where I’ve made a lot of close friends, and had the most fun. We would roll around on wheely chairs and have all sorts of conversations. These conversations ranged from what we remember from elementary school, to what topic we should make our next video on.
I never really intended to be in digicom, but I was randomly placed in the class knowing only a few people there. Having a few select friends from my previous year made joining that class not as awkward and more comforting than it would have been if I had known nobody.
Since only one person is able to edit at a time, we had a lot of free time to just hangout. I remember that there was this one week where half the class collectively decided that we should do word searches, which was exhilarating to me. We would also be able to go outside of the classroom and interview other students. I never knew that video editing would be so much fun.
Oftentimes, we would work in groups or pairs, which was how I made some of my really close friends. We would go out to interview people with cameras and mics, then transfer the recordings onto a computer where we would then edit the videos. These videos would often go onto the G-house broadcast, where everyone would watch the videos we worked so hard to make.
Being in digicom also came with some perks, such as being able to go to all of the school dances for free, because I was the one filming all of the videos.
However, most of the friends I made were seniors last year, so I really ended up missing them when they graduated. This was the main reason why I didn’t take the class again in my senior year. I do keep in contact with a lot of those who have left, but I don’t think I can go through saying goodbye again.
My favorite video I ever edited would probably be the prom video. During the process I timed all the clips perfectly to the music, and I was very proud of it.
Despite the ups and downs of my high school journey at Galileo, my experiences here
have been a transformative period of wonderful friendships and unforgettable memories, especially the ones from my junior year in my digital communications class.