Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Having a Sister at Galileo

By Riley Figueroa (Staff Writer)

Siblings may be annoying, but have you ever thought of the burden that comes with having a sibling being in the same school as you? My younger sister of one year, Laney, can be really irritating, don’t get me wrong, I love my sister, but there are some downsides to having to see someone constantly both at home and at school.

Being the older sibling, my parents expect more from me, while the benefits of being the younger sibling, means my sister can take advantage of getting away with things without facing  consequences most of the time. This allows her to repeat her cycle of immature behaviors as she isn’t held accountable for her actions. 

One thing that annoys me about my sister is she doesn’t know how to control her childish acts at appropriate times. For example, she would sometimes bully me at school. She’ll hit me, sometimes a little too hard, or she’ll call me names. Also, her foolishness distracts me when I am trying to be respectful or attentive during important events, such as talking to counselors and teachers.

She also interrupts me when I try to have a conversation with my friends or teachers while I’m engaged in a topic. This makes it difficult for me to follow along other people’s discussion which frustrates me when I want to give my respect to them.

Another frustrating thing is when her volume gets exceptionally high when talking about our private family matters, and lastly is the stress that comes along as I worry for her safety, either the crowd she hangs out with or her emotional needs.

While there may be a lot of negatives I will say that the good thing about having a sister at school is that I have someone who understands me more than anyone else in this school, who I have a safe space to talk about my personal problems. 

Though there are pros and cons to having a younger sister, seeing someone 24/7 makes you either get two times better or two times worse the experience. For me, living with my sister in the same household then seeing her at school is so annoying. If I could change one thing about my relationship with my sister, is that I would like some kind of privacy for myself but I appreciate the bond we have formed being this close to each other now that we see each other constantly.

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