Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Coach Adams 14 titles & counting

By Shania Mejia and Ethen Chan

In addition to being a PE teacher at Galileo since 1981, Coach Kevin Adams has helped coach Galileo to 14 athletic titles over the last 40 years. Coach Adams championships include 10 in football, 2 in basketball and 2 in track and field. 

While each sport Coach Adams has helped coach is distinct from each other, Coach Adams has the same goals, no matter what sport.  His goal as a coach is to teach the players how to compete. He says, “It makes you think that you gotta work hard, gotta get better.” 

Coach Adams coached football from 1981-2008, and during that time was a part of 10 championships. He said the price of winning requires kids who are willing to pay the price by putting in hard work, which includes a lot of dedication and discipline. Players on those championship teams would have to come in on Saturdays, play all around the Bay Area, and eventually gain the mentality – ‘hard work pays off’.

Coach Adams favorite championship games were from football because there were always fun celebrations. He says, “It made the school feel good and it usually resulted in a great school year with a lot of school spirit.”

In addition to coaching football, Coach Adams has also coached track and field since 1982. He believes in the ability to teach speed, how to become fast, and just getting people to be physical. Though he says this sport is more of an individual activity, everyone on the team wants to get better. He has won 2 all-city titles in track and field.

A final sport Coach Adams has found success in is basketball, having the opportunity to coach both boys and girls for 10 years. Before Coach Adams took over, Galileo hadn’t won a basketball championship in 48 years. Coach Adams said, “Luckily I had people who were willing to work hard and because of this, we won 2 championships, and played in the state playoffs 3 times.”

My favorite championship game was football because we always had a fun celebration everytime we won. It made the school feel good and usually it turned out to be a great school year with a lot of school spirit during the time. 

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