Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Song & Yell Experiences

by staff writers, Cali L,Jessica T, Ben L

A large number of students had outstanding performances during the 2022 Song & Yell, which prompted the Galileo Press to go around asking students who competed in Song & Yell, “how was your Song & Yell experience?”

“It was pretty good I think. My expectations weren’t really far off. I was in drum core and our company didn’t tell us what song we were going to be playing until the actual day of the song and yell. When she finally told us what song we were going to play, it was kind of shocking. I was a little scared because I never performed in front of 1000 people and the teachers had told us about it before. I also heard some things about song & yell from older friends, but we beat the sophomores! We did!”

Vivian X, Freshman

 “It was amazing and I killed it! My whole crew won! Our whole group killed it ya feel me! It was so much fun. I was dancing and performing for y’all. The country music was amazing. The dances were good and I felt excited. It was an experience like nothing else.”

Peter L, Freshman

“It was amazing! It was really great to have a bigger group and create a strong community within the sophomore class. We made a lot of good memories, had an awesome time and this pushed people out of their comfort zone. It was a cool experience choreographing, leading, getting people involved, and making posters, music mixes etc.”

Mia F, Sophomore

“It was pretty good because the one in freshman year kind of sucked. We had two people lead the choreography, they were like cheerleaders so it was okay. It was hard to get everybody coordinated. One time for practice I got dropped one time. I will definitely do song & yell next year.”

Megan L, Sophomore

“It was good but the dances were hard. I couldn’t keep up with them and I kinda messed up. I think the juniors’ dance was better and we should’ve won. I was also nervous because I had a game right after.”

Cease R, Junior

“It was a good experience. I liked it. It was stressful though because I was running it. The actual song and yell day was really fun. I liked teaching choreo to everyone and I had creative freedom. I feel like the juniors should’ve won, but I’m not mad because it’s the students senior year and they deserve it.”

 Bella R, Junior

“ It was very stressful since seniors had a lot of pressure to win, so everyone got super anxious. There was some drama because during the process. But in the end people had fun and that’s all that matters. I had a lot of pressure on me and there was always something people had to say and you can’t please everyone which is something I had to remember so it was difficult.”

Grace O, Senior

“It was pretty fun. I think the dances could’ve been more inclusive and easier because the dances were hard for a lot of us non dancers. The song choices could’ve been a little better “worth it” the skit could’ve have more involved instead of standing still.”  grace is the goat @ gracee.ou

Leo L, Senior

“I enjoyed it because for the first time we had a lot of alumni showing up which helped the atmosphere. Another change was the band changing sides which made it sound better, the volume was better and it looked more festive. I missed all the classes making posters and banners that they would put up.”

Coach Mark

“It was stressful because I was trying to orchestrate it all. but overall it went pretty well and I thought it was a great performance. The skits were awesome. I thought the juniors had the best skits and even the sophomores were better than the seniors, the seniors didn’t really have a storyline.”

Mr. Seligson, ASB Supervisor

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