Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

My Childhood Memory

By Marilyn R , staff writer

As a child, I have fond memories of watching “Beavis and Butt-Head” and “Jersey Shore” with my uncle. He would come over to my house every weekend, and we would spend hours in front of the TV, laughing at the antics of these wild and crazy characters. 

My uncle would always bring a bag of chips and soda, and we would eat and laugh together. We would also make a little competition between us, guessing what the characters would say or do next, and the one who guessed right would get to choose the next episode to watch.

My uncle and I had always been close, but our shared love for these MTV shows brought us even closer. We would often talk about our favorite episodes and characters, and even try to imitate some of their catchphrases. I remember my uncle teaching me the “heh-heh, huh-huh” laugh of Beavis, and I couldn’t stop laughing every time we did it together. 

He also taught me a lot of the slang words used in Jersey Shore and I felt so cool using them with my friends. I also remember him explaining to me the different personalities of each character and how they interacted with each other.

One of my favorite memories of this time was when my uncle and I decided to reenact a scene from Beavis and Butt-Head where they were trying to make a music video. We spent hours filming ourselves lip-syncing to a song and acting out the scene, using my dad’s old camcorder. We even made our own costumes, using old t-shirts and baseball caps, and my uncle even drew a crude version of the “Beavis and Butt-Head” logo on a piece of paper and we put it on our shirts. 

It was so much fun and we laughed so hard as we were filming. We even showed it to our family and friends, and they all laughed and loved it. My uncle even promised to keep it safe and he still has it till this day. Sometimes, I still watch that video with my friends and family and it always brings back the happy memories of that day.

This golden era of TV watching for me started when I was 5 years old. Yes, crazy that I would be watching these shows back then, but it is something I loved and looked forward to most nights. 

But it all changed when I was 10 and my uncle went off to college and we had to leave this tradition behind. He wouldn’t be around as much and it wasn’t the same without him there. It was almost like the joy of watching it wasn’t the same. But although he left I did have those memories to look back on. 

Those were some of the best times of my childhood, and I will always remember the special bond that my uncle and I shared over our love for MTV shows. Even now, when I watch those shows, I can’t help but think of him and the memories we made together. 

My uncle is not around much anymore but whenever I watch “Beavis and Butt-Head” or “Jersey Shore” now, I feel like he’s still with me, and it makes me happy to remember those good old days. He always knew how to make me laugh and he was the one who introduced me to the world of MTV shows. I will always be grateful for the bond we shared and the memories we created together.

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