Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Having a Little Brother as a Best Friend

By: Jessica Trinh staff writer

My little brother Jose is 2 years and a couple months younger, and the bestest of friends. A lot of the time, siblings don’t really get along with each other because it’s “weird”, which I totally get because me and my brother started off that way too. But we learned to get along because of our dads principles of family hood, which we now keep tucked in our hearts. 

Our dad taught us to share whatever we have with each other, even if it’s the most valuable thing to us. We thought that was, straight up, the most absurd idea, but our dad would always reply “is it going to kill you?” Whenever Jose & I would argue, our dad was always the one with the last word, and we’d end up being silenced. Our dad even talked about the basics of faith in God, and how it is important for us to love one another.

The process of my brother and I refining our relationship took a while. Eventually in 2020, when everyone was stuck at home, we learned to apply all the principles he’d taught us. Those days where we were forced to stay in the house with each other, really helped us to start to find some common interests. We’re not perfect. We do get annoyed with each other from time to time though, because, after all, he’s still my little brother. 

When my little brother and I became buddies in 2020, we made a deal that we had to keep one another in check of our bad habits or attitudes. So whenever I had an attitude or do something wrong, he would correct me and  I’d try to justify my actions. Then whenever he had an attitude or did something wrong, he would try to justify his actions. This helped us strengthen not only our bond, but our character. There’s no competition between us because both of our parents always told us that they love us both equally the same.

We live under the same roof, go to the same school, and go to the same church, so how could we not get along? Don’t get us wrong we still have our own friend groups at church, but at school it’s mainly just us . We walk to school together, then part ways to our classes, gather together during lunch, then part ways again, and meet up with each other after school. 

People wonder what we talk about. We talk about what any regular bestfriends would; about our day, interesting facts, philosophy, faith, and lessons learned. We give advice to each other and joke around a lot. Honestly, there’s not one day that goes on that I don’t learn or laugh at something from our conversations because we like to keep it positive. One rule we have between us is NO GOSSIP, or negative talk in general. I can’t lie. I do complain at times when I’m frustrated, but my little brother keeps me in check. 

As a graduating senior, I’m getting ready to move on to college. I feel a little nervous not having my little brother by my side because he’s really good at giving his horrible insights, which makes me laugh. So it is going to be a little sad, but I don’t think our bond will really change. 

I’m also not worried about him being alone because he still has his group of friends at school so everything will be okay. We’re still going to be living with each other so I’m not worried. Friends, they come and go, but nothing sticks closer than a brother.

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