Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Pushing back Spring Break

This year, the SFUSD decided to change the time of Spring Break to accommodate students who celebrate Ramadan. In previous years, Spring Break was usually near the last week of March, but it has now been pushed to the 2nd week of April.

In the past, Spring Break fell on Easter or Passover, which are Christian and Jewish holidays. With Spring Break happening within these holidays, Christian and Jewish students are able to celebrate during the break. But in order to also be inclusive to Muslim students, the district has decided to push back the break so that students can celebrate Ramadan during the break. Eid al-Fitr, the last day of Ramadan, is on April 9th, which will be during the middle of this year’s Spring Break. Interim principal Mr. Panjabi realizes the trade offs of the situation. He said, “To be inclusive, we have to make some adjustments.” 

While it is important for the district to be inclusive, moving Spring Break back also causes some school wide issues. Mr. Panjabi addressed these issues, saying, “I think it complicates things with what else we can schedule. Normally for SBAC testing, having an earlier Spring Break means teachers in English and Math can have all of Spring Break to prepare the students. Now, we have to start those exams before Spring Break because [if it starts] after Spring Break, it’s going to hit up against AP exams. We don’t want to do SBAC testing and then AP exams after.”

Many students have been confused about the change, as they weren’t aware of the reason and some are even disappointed that they have to wait two extra weeks for the break. Senior Yong En L. says, “I don’t like the break being pushed. I want to have the break as soon as possible because I’m tired, exhausted, and drained from school.”

On the other hand, senior Niki L. comments, “I’m fine with it. I don’t like when breaks are happening too close together. When there are too many breaks, it drains my motivation to study more. Also, with Spring Break happening later, that means there are less school days after the break.”

Overall, having a later spring break is an adjustment. Science teacher Mr. O says, “It’s rough because we’re so used to Spring Break being in March but we just have to adjust. Looking at the calendar, I’m wishing that Spring Break would come faster but on the flip side, it was nice that we started a week later for Winter Break.”

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