Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Johnson Yu

By Johnson Yu, staff writer

Dear Galileo,

Isn’t it crazy, it’s been 4 years already. I still remember meeting you for the first time, as a freshman, it was strange. I didn’t know what to expect, only having two friends with me when I met you, I was lost. However, throughout the years, you taught me a lot of things, academically and personally. The people you introduced me to, and helped me meet, have really shaped me as the person I am today. 

Many of my closest friends were introduced to you, they are a big part of my life and have helped me shape my personality. I made people from the basketball team, football team, people of different races and interests thanks to you. From those people I’ve met,I am most thankful for being introduced to this guy named Martin, with who I have the most memorable moments. As two young and naive teens, me and Martin created an Instagram page called “Galmemes” in sophomore year, which became the most popular page in Galileo within a week. We went on to organize the biggest non school related events ever, a “boxing match” between two of my friends. The event and the page was short-lived, but it was definitely a highlight of my school year. You’ve also introduced me to many great teachers and many teachers who I didn’t like too much, but I am thankful that you put me into Journalism and AP Art so that my last year of high school wouldn’t be so boring. 

Ever since meeting you, I have grown as a person, I am no longer the childish teen, sometimes, you helped me figure out what I wanted in life, and helped me see my future more clearly. Nothing lasts, and I am disappointed that our four year friendship had to end this way, being trapped behind a screen in a global pandemic, but I am grateful for the opportunity you have given me during these 4 years. I wish nothing but the best for you, I hope the school district gives you better equipment in the future and I hope to see Galileo strive for greatness.

Johnson Jinxin Yu c/o 2021.

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