Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Jimmy Khuc

By Jimmy Khuc, staff writer

Dear Galileo,

Goodbye Galileo. You and I have a love/hate relationship where there are times that you are just an annoyance to me, but there are also times where you gave me some memories that I will never forget as well as introduced me to people who are going to hopefully be lifelong friends. 

I still remember my first impression of you where I thought you were big and scary, but as the years went on I grew to feel comfortable with you even though you gave lots of work. The amount of friends and people you’ve introduced to me during freshman year was vast, and I’ve made tons of good memories with them without you. Over the past years, you’ve given me lots of headaches due to assignments, but I would’ve never met some amazing teachers without you as well.

 I still strongly remember Mr. Seligson who never failed to somehow entrance me with his teaching style. One time, the whole class was talking and conversing until Mr. Seligson silenced our class to ask my friend about her flag football game. I thought he was just being friendly, but he amazed me by jokingly saying that he would stiff arm her like she was a little five year old to which my other friend responded by saying he would stiff arm Mr. Seligson’s five year old son. The whole class including Mr. Seligson burst into laughter, and that’s one memory I’ll always remember about my time with you.

Then COVID-19 hit, and it seperated us away from each other. At first, I was content with our time apart as I felt more relaxed, but as time went on I kind of grew to miss you. I lost one year of my time with you where I was supposed to be living the supposedly “best” year of our time with each other. I was very excited for senior year, but watching it waste away was okay at first until I got closer to graduation where I really appreciated and missed being with you. The hallways, friends, teachers, and events were something that I couldn’t experience, but it allowed me to grow my friendship with other people to a greater extent.

Though the last four years we’ve spent together were cut short and we have to move on from each other, I am grateful for the time I spent with you as it gave me experiences that I will never forget. 

Best regards,

Jimmy Khuc – ℅ 2021

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