Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Class Presidents Say on Song & Yell

By Christina N. & Mirika G., Staff Writers

This year’s Song N Yell has been drastically different from previous years. Not only because of the pandemic but also from the year the younger classes didn’t have to get used to the event. Both juniors and seniors have experienced this before with the sophomores and freshmen getting a whole new experience. Each grade class president was asked how they felt about the event this year and their thoughts on it.

Natalie L. Senior Class President

Natalie had been participating in Song & Yell since her freshman year. Saying that it’s a good way to bond with her class and just a way to have fun. It was hard to coordinate practice this year because everyone’s schedules didn’t line up a lot of the time, making it difficult to have everyone there at the same time. The biggest factor to Song & Yell this year was that it got cut down from being 115 minutes long to now only being 76. Meaning that each grade only has 10 minutes for their performance. Getting the seniors’ performance cut down meant that a lot of stress and some people didn’t want certain songs getting cut out. In the end, everyone learned that it was for fun and accepted the changes made.

Grace O. Junior Class President

This year’s Song & Yell was Grace’s second time leading her class, with the first being in her Freshman year. It was also her first time leading and organizing a group at this large of a capacity Saying it was an amazing experience and that she wanted to improve on her leadership skills. She said that this year was more stressful than before because she and everyone participating are in their junior year. Everyone had to juggle schoolwork, Song & Yell practice, and extracurricular activities. Another struggle was trying to line up everyone’s schedule for all or majority of the juniors to show up to the practices.

Alejandra Z. Sophmore Class President

This year’s Song & Yell’s theme was throwback hit songs and is the first year Alejandra is participating and leading Song & Yell. She volunteered because she considered it a great way for her to make a positive impact on her community at Galileo. After noticing that the freshmen would not have enough time to choreograph a dance and to learn it in time for this year’s Song & Yell, the sophomore’s choreographer, Alejandra, and her cabinet decided to combine the freshmen and sophomores. She did this because she wanted to relieve both grades of stress, from not having the best participation rate.

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