Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

2021 Song & Yell Victors

By Christina N. & Mirka G., Staff Writers

After a whole year of no in-person school, 2021’s Song & Yell was the refresher everyone needed to lift their spirits. The 3 dance teams, freshmen & sophomores, juniors, and seniors, all worked incredibly hard to put on a good performance for the school and in the end, it was a close competition, but ultimately, the seniors (class of 20222) took home the win. After the countless hours of preparation they put into the performance, senior performers shared how they felt about winning their last Song & Yell…

Fatima A., Dancer

“I feel like winning was so anti-climatic because they announced it through the phone instead of in the moment. So the win was kind of like ‘yea we won but,’ it was a bad way to announce that we won. We didn’t know what the other grades looked like, especially the Juniors, cause we were concerned about ourselves. We didn’t really like our decade and we didn’t know how to work with it. But when I saw the Juniors, I felt like we had a pretty good chance of winning.”

Leslie M., Dancer

“I am very grateful that we won so that we could leave high school on a good note. Also, I was kind of doubted ourselves because the formations weren’t there and nobody showed up to practice. But other than that we did pretty good and I really thought we were going to win.”


Isabella I., Dancer

“I did not think we were going to win because we were a bit messy in my opinion. It was a lot of fun though, and it felt good to win. All that hard work paid off and got us somewhere.”


Cladelyn M., Choreographer

“In my opinion, I would say that we wouldn’t have won Song & Yell without our teamwork, our commitment, and leadership. I’m happy that we won Song & Yell but yet we’ve been getting negativity from the Juniors because they were ‘supposed’ to win Song & Yell because they did ‘better’ than the Seniors. But it’s okay, they still have one more year”


Adam W., Dancer

“When it comes to winning Song & Yell it felt very exhilarating because that last part where everyone was doing the little mosh pit was probably the most hype thing that’s ever happened at this entire school. And I fully expected us to win because we’re Seniors and we’re better than everybody.”


Jesse V., Dancer

“I’m really excited that we won Song & Yell. When we were Freshmans and Sophmores we always wanted to win. The Juniors got it our Sophomore year and we couldn’t let them have it again. Ya know Seniors all the way. I didn’t really think we were going to win. Everyone was out there trying to have fun. I thought we were going to get disqualified because we decided to take our shirts off. We were out there, we got the whole school hyped up. We got everyone excited and I think that’s why we truly won.”

Alfredo., Banner Holder

“Amazing, because the last time we had Song & Yell the juniors won. I was also nervous about getting disqualified because the seniors were taking off their shirts, and I had heard from someone else that we couldn’t take off our shirts and we had plans to take them off.”


Abigail A., Dancer

“I feel proud, because it took a lot to get people to come practice, show up, we did it for something and not for nothing. Honestly, I thought we were going to get second place. I thought we would get disqualified because the boys took their shirts off.”


Irlanda P., Dancer

“I feel proud because we worked hard and it was our last year as Galileo seniors and we deserve it. For a while, I didn’t think we were going to win because we didn’t start off with a lot of energy like the juniors.”


Stephanie V., Choreographer

“I felt relieved because I worked really hard on the choreography and it feels good to know that my choreography helped win Song & Yell. I didn’t think we would win because we weren’t really organized, barely anybody showed up the last week and people were unmotivated after having to reschedule for Song & Yell.”


Eric L., Dancer

“I feel very, very happy and proud that we won. I had some doubts when I saw the Juniors dancing but luckily we won. I had the confidence that we could pull out a win.”


Ricardo P., Dancer

“I feel great. I doubted everybody and all our participation. I knew damn well we were not going to win as soon as I saw the Juniors. Before everything, I saw the Juniors practicing and I thought there would be no competition. On the day of Song & Yell, there’s competition and I didn’t think we were going to win but we did. I was screaming my lungs out and lost part of my voice too.”


Wyatt S., Dancer

“I feel good about it. I’m glad that we won. Did I think we were going to win? Absolutely. I feel like out of all of the classes we had the most energy and the most hype even when we weren’t dancing.”


Alejandra S., Dancer

“Honestly I feel really good that we won. I was surprised we won because a lot of people wouldn’t show up to practice. I feel like had the most creative skit and the most dances out of the other grades.”

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