Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Students Protest Administration Response

By Catherine Montoya-Quiroz, Staff Writer

A large crowd of students, most of whom wore red, walked out of class during 2nd period on November 12, to change responses to the sexual assault cases that happen within the SFUSD district and to prompt administration into changing the way they deal with what happens when students make claims of sexual assault to try and bring change to responses of sexual assault cases that happen on campus and on other schools in the SFUSD district. During the walkout, students read testimonials about other student experiences with sexual assault.

Word spread about the walkout through social media, where many victims had spoken out about their experiences. Many students identified with the stories being told and this sparked the walkouts that have taken place so far. Lowell, Washington and Lincoln also had walkouts that took place on November 10th.

Students who attended the walkout wanted to stand in solidarity with those who have been victimized. Senior Abigail A. states, “I felt that it was important to go because I know people that have been sexually harassed and I feel that nothing has been done about it [sexual harassment cases]. By going to the protest, many students have made their voices heard. It is important to go because it is important to let many students know that the sexual harassment cases reported are not isolated incidents.”

“I have a lot of friends that are victims of sexual harassment. After hearing stories from victims of sexual harassment, I grew passionate about protecting others. It is important to support victims and let them know that their voices are heard,” added senior Stephanie V.

In addition to supporting the movement,  students also look forward to change. Senior Daira C states, “I feel that the students have a very strong voice that will be heard by the staff and administration. If many students feel dissatisfied about the way that administration is dealing with sexual assault , then there is clearly a problem. I am hopeful that the student body will be able to achieve what they set out to do.”

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