Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Galileo’s Class of 2022 Prom Summary

By Staff Writer Christina N.

“A Night in Paris”, Galileo’s first prom since the pandemic started, was held at Salesforce Park on Saturday, April 23. In order to host a safe event in the midst of a pandemic, while many other high schools hosted prom indoors, this was a completely outdoor event. 

On top of Salesforse park

Holding a prom outdoors was met with mixed responses from seniors. “It was fine except for the fact that it was really cold and windy.” said senior Carmen C., while Lyla P. added, “I thought it was nice. Especially because of Covid.”

One of the most interesting aspects of holding the prom outdoors was the inclusion of  the silent disco. Because of San Francisco’s quiet hours police Police Code § 2909, prohibits loud noises between the time of 10 PM to 7 AM. At 10 PM the DJ stopped playing music through the speakers & instead, guests put on Bluetooth headphones to hear music played by Justin Bieber & Daddy Yanky, along with other popular music artists.

“[The silent disco] was the best part of the night. Mostly because the music was better than what the DJ was originally playing and I didn’t expect it to be as fun as it was,” said senior Jamie K. 

[left to right] Otabeck B., Isabella I., Christina N., Trustin A., Ainsley M., & Fatima A.

Another interesting part of the night was the photo booth. Almost everyone at the event, including teachers & staff, posed for the camera & received 2 copies of the pictures they took.

“The photo booth was pretty cool because it had props that you could wear on your face and head to make your pictures look better. It was overall a good experience.” said senior Trustin A.

The highlight for some at prom was seeing who was named to the prom court. Galileo’s Prom Committee decided to be more inclusive by having 3 different court titles, along with a non-binary court term for anyone who might have been uncomfortable with a gendered title. There was the traditional King & Queen[Royal], Prince & Princess[Prime], and Duke& Duchess[Duchet]. The court was chosen based on two Google form votes. 

Duchess Ainsley M. [left] & Duke Gabriel S. [right]

Winners of Galileo’s Class of 2022 Prom were; Gabriel S. for Duke and Ainsley M. for Duchess. Prom Prince goes to Geoshua S. and Prime goes to Kai T. Finally the two big titles went to Lyla P. for 2022 Prom Queen & Prom King is Jason T.

To some, it was an amazing night that will be remembered, while for others, prom will be remembered as something that could have been much better. Many seniors believed prom was underwhelming and “the music wasn’t very good”. Some also wondered where the money they spent had gone, as there were no proper refreshments or food.

There were still students who enjoyed themselves. Senior Alex R. said, “Even though other people said it was dry. I had a lot of fun that night.” 

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