Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Latin Bay soccer team

 Although the Galileo boys soccer season ended a few months ago, a few players were looking to continue honing their skills, so they decided to start a team on their own, & play in the “Frisco sports” league, an adult league where they are the youngest team. 

The team (called “Latin Bay”) is a mix of players who have connections to the Galileo soccer team, as 6 of the players were on the team this  past season (3 ot the whom are graduating Willian E, Oliver, Alexis P.), 3 who have recently graduated from Galileo (Jim F, Fernando M. Brayan L.), and the 2 coaches Noe D. and Mr. Mendoza for the Galileo team. 

For the coaches, playing with players they had just been coaching a few months ago has been a great transition. Coach Noe says, “I think these guys are a good group of young people with a lot of talent, with a lot of desire to play and enjoy. They have a lot of character to face whoever. I want to enjoy the last  thing I have left of soccer, contribute what I know and experience and also help from the outside. I want to give unity and commitment, and win everything I can to become champion.   

It’s not only the coaches though who are enjoying playing in the league. Alla V. Says,” I decided to play with those guys because they are all my friends since we were partners in the Galileo team. We have a good team that I know we can fight to win the championship.” 

 So far, being the youngest team in the league hasn’t hurt this group as they are currently in 2nd place (6-1) in a league of 22 teams. William E says.” I know that all of us who are in this team are young, but I know that everyone plays very well and I am happy because despite competing with older people. We are also one of the best teams in the league.”          

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