Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Dress Mess Before Prom

By: Kelly S. Trejo, Staff Writer

Prom is on the short list of  the most awaited events for most seniors. Growing up I watched many shows and high school movies about prom. This event has been known to be very important for high school students as it is a celebration for them as the graduation class. They get to have fun with their friends and classmates for possibly the last time before parting ways for college. However, what a show or movie doesn’t explain is how stressful it is to plan everything for that day. Everything turned out to be a huge mess with way more drama than I expected and everything feeling really rushed. But even with these setbacks, in the end, prom was all worth it.

I debated on whether I should even go to prom at first, especially because prom this year wasn’t really confirmed until about a month before the event. But my friends were really convincing about how it’s my last year and how fun it could be, so that made me realize that I should go.

After deciding that I actually should go to prom, this is where the hecticness began. Let’s start with trying to find a nice dress. I have to find the right color, style, or heels, hairstyle and makeup to finish the look I was going for. So what I did was go to Windsor to get my dress and made a nail appointment with my nail tech to get acrylic nails done. For the makeup and hair I decided to do that on my own. The problem was since everything was happening at the last minute, I had a harder time getting the right dress & color.

But what was worse, after I had gotten my dress, someone told me that a girl I know had gotten the same dress as me, and worst of all, it was even in the same color.

 It was a headache to find this out because all of our mutual friends would bring it up everyday leading up to prom. Having the same dress wasn’t really the issue, it was having people mess with you about it, was what made me feel bad. The other girl’s friends, who were supposedly mine too, started siding with her and making comments about the issue. They would say things like, “Don’t you and ****** have the same dress?” or “Have you asked your bestie what heels y’all are gonna wear together?”

I was already not on very good terms with this person, so imagine thinking about wearing the same dress to prom as someone who clearly disliked me. What was infuriating about this situation was that it felt like this girl was doing this on purpose and the mutual friends she and I had, didn’t tell me anything, and I had to find out on my own. 

But as prom day got closer and all of this was happening, I decided – who cares. I wasn’t going to let someone else ruin a great night for me. Plus, we both look entirely different so wearing the same dress wouldn’t make a difference. 

And most importantly I was going to have fun with a few of my close friends. Which is what I did. I had fun, despite the cold weather, since we were outdoors, my friends and I danced all night, no matter the type of music. 

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