Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

The Worst Best Change

By Samantha P & Marilyn R , staff writers

After 3 years of going to Burton High School across the city, you’d assume I’d stay there for my senior year of high school, but that wasn’t the case for me. I decided to transfer to Galileo for my senior year and while it started off a little rocky, overall it’s been good.

Starting at Galileo was hard for me, particularly coming from a small school where everyone knew each other, where the school didn’t feel like a freaking maze, and I wasn’t totally lost and asking everyone where my economics class was. It was hard to adjust to a big school, a new environment, and a new community, where I didn’t know anyone. 

On my first day here, I thought it was going to be exciting and fun, but I was wrong. The moment I entered the building, I felt like barfing, It literally felt like it was my first year of high school, not even actually, it felt worse than that. 

Lunch was even worse, It was the first time I hung out with my cousin and her friends, and it was uncomfortable. Sure they were talking to me and trying to include me in their stuff, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I missed my friends and the people who I grew close with throughout the years. I felt alone, isolated and so out of place. 

The second day was a little less chaotic, I was still getting used to finding my classes and figuring out where the bathrooms were. I was making some acquaintances here and there and I wasn’t having an inner panic attack. Other than that, I was feeling pretty good, I still felt weird and uncomfortable with my cousin Maggie (Marilyn R) and her friends. I wasn’t sure what was making me uncomfortable being around them, maybe because they have their own little communicative language, they would use names like rabbit, twig, and other nicknames like that. If anything I was just confused about the little friend group I was going to get myself into. 

The first week flew by quickly, my first thought when the weekends came was, Why did I transfer? Honestly, I don’t really know myself, well I mean I do know, but it’s kind of embarrassing and pretty stupid. I broke some guy’s heart, and that guy was my best friend, it’s not like I rejected him or anything, but it was more like, I was playing with his feelings because I wasn’t sure what I wanted from him, I basically wasted his time for 5 months of his life. I felt ashamed, and I felt like I needed to leave. I didn’t want to have the guilt, despite apologizing to him, but I knew it would be uncomfortable for him if I was there, so I left. 

During that first weekend, I really did not think about what I did to my ex-best friend, I wanted to leave and I wanted my friends back, my old life. (Okay I sound dramatic).  

It definitely took me a while to get comfortable here, but I ended up getting to know the way around the school and I ended up finding out where the bathrooms were. I slowly started to get comfortable with Maggie and her friends. I didn’t get super close with them like I am starting now; they’re growing on me, and I’m pretty sure I was growing on them too. 

After being here for almost 4 months, I’m feeling pretty good about school. I love my classes, the people I have in my classes, and Maggie’s friends too. I like it here; sure I miss my friends, but it wasn’t like to the point I wanted to cry and be all dramatic about it. Overall I think I made a good choice and now look forward to spending the rest of my senior year at Galileo.

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