Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

My Opinion on Distance Learning

By Quiana Gomez, staff writer

Quiana Gomez

I’ve always wondered what distance learning would be like because there was a point where I didn’t like school. I’ve seen kids being homeschooled and it looked like they had lots of fun and I’ve always wanted to try it out. But now that I’ve finally got the chance to try it, through distance learning, it has been nothing like I would have ever imagined. It seemed like all fun and games but when I actually got to experience it was nothing close to that, to me it’s been boring, and I want to go back to school. 

Distance learning isn’t easy for me personally , because I don’t get to meet new people or even my teachers. I feel very antisocial especially when people barely talk in break out rooms. To me it makes me feel as in what’s the point in all this. Also with not getting the help we need because some teachers take awhile to respond it makes me feel less motivated to do school. I’ve also gotten tired of having to look at a screen all day so having to communicate/learn through a screen makes me feel less connected to everyone. Which makes things harder and just makes me feel sometimes antisocial. And things I enjoy doing, like projects, aren’t the same anymore because everything has to be through the computer. 

I’m usually never the type to be anti-social. I can be shy sometimes but never anti social. So to feel this way sometimes is the worst for me. Just feels like I can’t live life freely with everything going on, this pandemic is hard on everyone but it’s not fair.  Seniors should be enjoying their last year together; freshmen should be having fun getting to know other people. 

In the end this pandemic hasn’t been easy for everyone. School was like an activity for some of us, even though it’s not always fun. We got to see our friends and do things outside of home. I’ve been trying to make the best out of it and keep pushing myself even though it’s hard. I try to find ways to work around it. It hasn’t been easy, but day by day I try to adjust to everything. 

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