Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Ms. Wong

What do you like to do when you’re outside of school? Favorite hobbies?

My hobbies include traveling. I’ve traveled to Hong Kong , Thailand, Singapore, Japan, China, Paris, and London and I want to be able to explore more places. I like researching, and watching YouTube videos about traveling from different countries and cities fascinates me. I’m a very organized person. I like to build stuff and that’s really fun for me. I also play a video game called League of Legends. I play it every night. 

What type of music genre do you like to listen to?

Whatever I’m in the mood for, my friends say my music is very diverse. I sometimes listen to EDM but sometimes I like to listen to Taylor Swift or country music.

Do you have any secret talents or skills?

In middle school I was the team captain of volleyball. I play volleyball a lot of people don’t know about me and I also played here in Galileo. 

What led you to this job?

My parents moved here from Hong Kong and they don’t speak much English. They knew very little so it was hard for them to come to this country and then help me with all the different steps in my life, they rarely knew about the school system. I always had to navigate all of those systems for myself so along the way. I had really good teachers, counselors, and many adults in my life that helped me throughout my journey. And for me, I wanted to be an adult for people like me so I can help make an impact on people’s lives. I understand how hard it is to navigate through the system for me. I wasn’t shy to ask questions but I know a lot of students want to be able to be the person who can help and impact them. 

What motivates you to work hard?

For me I’m a very type A personality I like to make sure every box is checked off for my personality makes a big difference and how I my work ethics are but also in general how I put my name to something I always do my best effort and I wanna be represented and show I’m doing my best.

What do you like/love about your job?

I love the students and enjoy working alongside my colleagues I feel like even though things get serious in the office it’s nice to share that burden with somebody else and the end of day we get to chat about and laugh it off I work closer with Ms.Carla but I do enjoy getting to hear my students stories and being able to make a impact on their lives 

What do you least like about your job?

I feel like my job sometimes can only do so much and there’s instances where students would ask for help but there’s nothing I can really do, and sometimes I don’t know how else I can help. I find it frustrating. I’m not a huge fan of nagging my students about their attendance and it’s something I’m constantly doing.

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