Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

7 Day Challenge: No Junk Food

By Sabrina Florez, staff writer

Sabrina Florez

The new year is about starting fresh, starting new so I decided to challenge myself. I decided to stop eating junk food for a week and hopefully keep on going with the new diet I am forming for myself. Why I chose to do this challenge was because I wanted to feel better about myself with a new diet and feel healthier by eating better. Ever since we’ve been in lockdown I started eating more junk food and that resulted in gaining weight. The purpose of not eating junk food will make me feel better and will help with weight balance which is also something I’m looking forward to. This is really a challenge for me because I’m doing it alone. By alone I mean while I’m trying to eat better the people around me aren’t so it’s kinda tempting to just give up and eat what everyone else is eating. And It’s really tempting to not give up especially when you’re craving something you really want but I am really going to challenge myself to finish this week’s challenge. What I’m looking to get out of this challenge is to simply cut off junk food because it’s no good. What I’m also looking forward to is weight loss. It’s not really a priority but it would be a good bonus. 

An expectation I have is that it is going to be pretty hard and tempting for me not to eat what I’m used to, like snacks. I think it will be difficult because I’m not used to only eating certain foods, I’m used to eating just what I crave which is most of the time, not a healthy option. Some obstacles that might prohibit me from completing this obstacle might be my mom, It does sound pretty funny but it’s true! She makes such yummy food and she will always make me eat what she makes and makes any other food sound not as good. 

I started my seven day challenge on a Monday morning and it was going well until lunch break since for lunch I don’t think what’s healthy I think whats the fastest to make due to the time we have for a lunch break and also because during lunch I like to complete work so I just think of quickness. So I totally forgot and ate some sweet bread which I was supposed to cut off. That just made me not even want to continue with the challenge because I was already starting to think it was hard. But I tried my best the whole day and it went well. I ate a healthy meal and didn’t eat past 8 which is also really hard for me because I would always eat a late-night snack. But I already felt good progress on the way. Although I didn’t slightly do a great job towards the end of my day, I felt good because I was able to accomplish something good and that of course gave me motivation.  What I did to motivate me was to think about how unhealthy I’ve been eating and how some new healthier choices could do my health better. Also what I would do is remind myself that if I don’t try any change right now in the future it would be harder to accomplish. Tuesday went better for me the whole day I ate what I planned to eat with no other temptations. It felt good that I was able to accomplish it. Also, I stopped eating at 8 which is usually harder for me but I was able to do it. The least of my days were kinda repeated besides Saturday.  On Saturday I started off good in the morning but later in the day I went out to get food and I ate some food I hadn’t had in a long time so I failed on that part. 

Some changes I noticed during the course of the week were that I was feeling better about myself because I felt like I was doing something good for my health. Also, I felt more energetic because when I would eat I would feel so full than the rest of the day being lazy. But in this situation, I would get full and all, but I would have the energy to go on a walk or start doing some chores like I felt energetic and happy with myself.

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