Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

7 Days of Inspiration (Martin Ramirez-Cauich)

By Martin Ramirez-Cauich, staff writer

Usually, I don’t get inspiration from anything very naturally until l actually stop and look for it. This week my inspiration came from many things I found in my room that I happen to just be displayed or out in my front yard. Each one of these has a deeper meaning to them and holds a special place for me.

If my voice can’t be heard I have to find another way to express how I feel. One of my inspirations is the piano. The many different keys symbolize how I should handle my everyday life and if I should leave it on a high note. Playing music I enjoy for many people pushes me to try harder and practice since it eventually does make perfect.

In “Star Wars”, killing a stormtrooper and keeping their helmet is seen as an accomplishment. For me, I see myself beating all odds and receiving my stormtrooper helmet for it. This stormtrooper helmet reminds me of the endless accomplishments I have & the ones I will still complete.

My inspiration from this is that sometimes no matter how fast I am going in life, I have to stop and enjoy the good things around me. There’s always something good in my everyday life but I just have to search for it or maybe my vision has been blurry, but usually, it’s been in front of me the whole time.

This world is big. Just like the car is small in the picture, I see how small I am compared to this big world, but with just the help of someone to push me I can go anywhere I’d like.

The inspiration I get from this card is to be more of a king and find a sense of leadership. There are ways to boost yourself and make yourself feel better if you can just change your perspective of yourself.

Flowers just inspire me with how they grow and become really beautiful. Just like a flower, I see myself growing to my final stage and showing off the journey that led me there

My inspiration from these earrings push me to be unique and have my own sense of individuality. My earrings are a daily reminder to just be myself and not to be anything else for anyone.

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