Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Galileo Communities’ Pandemic Positives

By Jimmy Khuc & Han Pham & Nicholas Wong, staff writers

For some in the Galileo community the pandemic has been rough. Sheltering in place as well as distance learning has not been enjoyable. However, others have found themselves exploring some of the positives, finding interesting hobbies, and indoor activities. The question the Galileo press wanted to know was – “What are the advantages of quarantine? What benefits has quarantine had on your mental or physical state?”

Chris Hoang
– Grade 12

Lockdown, as boring as it may seem, benefits the community greatly as it helps protect me and my family from the spread of the virus. Ever since the quarantine order took place, I took the time to explore new hobbies and work on myself and try to understand myself more. As a senior, quarantine also helped make time for me to work on my college applications.” – Chris Hoang

Shulin Huang
– Grade 11

Some advantages of lockdown are me spending more time on myself. I get to workout and improve my physical body which is hard during school because I don’t normally have time. but in online school, I have more time so I can workout. mentally, I get more time to play games and do other things that help me stress-relieve which is another thing I can’t do during school because there’s not enough time.” – Shulin Huang

Elizabeth Wilson
– Grade 12

Being in quarantine has really allowed me to take time to realize how much I needed to work on my mental health, which I had been letting deteriorate beforehand. With this, my happiness grew and I was able to strengthen my relationship with my family, which was much needed.” – Elizabeth Wilson

Chloe Saephan
– Grade 12

An advantage of lockdown is working in comfort. I like getting to have classes in bed, as well as getting to work at a later time. Quarantine, if anything has hurt my mental state because I’m so used to social interaction.” – Chloe Saephan

Susan Li
– Grade 12

An advantage of lockdown is being able to focus on me and it’s given me time to prioritize what needs to be done physically and mentally. I get more time to study since I can’t go out. learn how to focus on me before I would care more about other people.” – Susan Li

Nick Rossi
– Grade 12

The advantages of lockdown is I have much more time to myself. It has benefitted my mental state because I don’t stress about homework. I have more time to do homework and study.” – Nick Rossi

Kaley Normoyle
– Grade 10

Some advantages are me realizing I should do more with my body and working out more, watching more shows, and organizing my room. Some benefits are the more I workout the more it puts a positive attitude for me.” – Kaley Normoyle

Ms. Ma
– English Teacher

The biggest advantage for me has been having the extra free time to learn new hobbies! For example, I’ve been learning how to become a better cook and a better baker! During quarantine, I’ve started working out online 5 times a week with a few of my teacher friends, so that has really improved both my mental and physical health!” – Ms. Ma

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