Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Pet Peeves Poll

With up to 2,000 people populating Galileo daily, people are prone to have situations that annoy them. This could include situations ranging from not opening the door for people to being gone with the restroom pass for too long. Galileo Press asks a variety of teachers and students: “What is a pet peeve you have that people do at school?”

“I find it rude when students wear earbuds in the classroom, I always have to tell them to take it out when they should automatically have it out. They should be actively listening.”

– Mr. Marti, Geometry Teacher

“It bothers me when people ask for things at the very last minute before deadlines.”

– Kristin Tatum, College & Career Advisor

“It is a pet peeve of mine when I say hello to people and they don’t say hello back, and the same with goodbye. It makes me feel like I’m a ghost.”

– Ms. Gates, English teacher

“A pet peeve of mine is students skipping class, but continuing to loiter in the hallways or bathrooms. Like if you are going to skip class, at least hangout outside of class. Have fun somewhere or go home.”

-Mr. Matawaran, Ethnic Studies Teacher

“My pet peeve is talking over the teacher when other people are trying to listen to them. It happens often and it distracts me.”

– Senior Moriya G.

“My pet peeve is when a teacher or student doesn’t turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. It’s a waste of electricity and it gives me an ick when I see a classroom with lights on with no one inside.”

– Senior Andrew C.

Running in the hallway and screaming at 7 in the morning. Sometimes they bump into me and my back be hurting.”

– Junior Charles R.

When people say minus when referring to a mathematical equation, but they should be saying subtract instead. Everyone I know says it, including Mr. Ring.”

– Junior Trystan S.

My pet peeve is walking slowly in the halls when there’s no one in front of them. I hate it even more when they stop walking just to dab up their friends.”

-Sophomore Briana A.

“I hate when people walk slow at school. They won’t hurry up in the hallways and I’ll be in a rush.”

– Sophomore Iliana O.

“I don’t like walking too slowly in the hallway, because I’m trying to get to class and people are in front of me. So sometimes that makes me late to class.”

– Freshman Giovanni J.

“It’s when people are vaping in the bathroom, and they’re screaming at me in the bathroom for looking at them and just being there. They ask me ‘why are you mugging me?’, which shocks me.”

– Freshman Violet K.

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