Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Showcasing Top Artwork by Galileo Students

Art 1 students recently put their creativity to the test by designing album covers that reflect their personal and cultural identities. Inspired by the Galileo spirit of exploration and self-expression, the project pushed students to apply techniques they’ve learned throughout the year. With a wide range of skill levels and interests in the class, from beginners to passionate artists, each student approached the project in their own way.

“This assignment was about creating an album cover,” explained Mr. Schieldhauer. “It’s related to our work on self portraits and cultural or personal identity, as well as utilizing some of the different techniques that we’ve been learning over the year.”

Mr. Schieldhauer then fanned out a stack of what he told us were his favorite pieces completed by students. “These are some of the student works that were very thoughtful and sort of utilized those different techniques and skills and created some really awesome album covers. I think all these students did a really nice job.”

Some students decided to go into more of the cultural identity and some sort of delved into more of their personal identity here.
Something we’ve really been working on is developing values with our graphite drawings. Values are the scale between darks and lights, so from darkest values being here in the glasses here to our lightest values being these really soft gradients in the skin tones.
Some of the things that made these album covers stick out to me was the thought that was put into them, and also integrating the different materials like collage, pencil, and graphite.

Mr. Schieldhauer showed us some more covers that stood out to him:

Mr. Schieldhauer also noted his experience as a first-year high school teacher, explaining, “I teach Art 1, so it’s a very wide range of interest in art and skill levels. It’s seniors to freshmen, and everybody in between.” Being an Art 1 teacher however, does not come without its challenges. “Taking an art class is mandatory here, so I’m gonna teach you my best to draw, and then you’ll have students who have never drawn anything in their life, and you’ll have students who just love making art.”

“This is my first year teaching having my own public high school class. So having students who are like super interested in art, sitting next to a student who’s like, they could honestly care less about art.
It’s really difficult for me. Some of the challenges have been like, how do I create a lesson for everybody, at all different levels, with all different interests, all that sort of stuff.”

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