Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

OPINION: Back to School Observations

By Ethan Huang, Francisco Diaz, Myles Deno & Kevin Tan (Staff Writers)

Ethan– After a year of quarantine and online learning, I was surprised at how different in person school was than I remembered in freshman year. One thing I am surprised at is the amount of students being late to their classes. I think the reason for this is while learning at home, students were allowed to sleep in late and don’t have to travel to school. I sympathize with the kids who come late because half the time, I’m late, and it is hard to adjust to a new schedule. 

Another observation I made is that there are more people roaming in the halls during class now than at the start of the year. Personally, I don’t like the abundance of people walking in the halls because it distracts me from learning because of the talking and stomping they create.

Myles- After having online learning for all of last school year, there are many things different about school this year than in years past. I noticed that early on in the school year, many students were more shy than they usually would be, but as the semester progressed, students started coming out of their shells. This impacted me by making me also a little nervous to talk to other people. I also noticed students had a hard time focusing and doing their work at the start of the semester. This has affected me because in group projects, I would have to carry more weight than I usually would.

Kevin- During this very strange year, I didn’t know what to expect coming back from a year of distance learning. A school year of mask, pandemic, and the rules due to COVID was just a very strange experience.  I have observed many different things in the school in this messed-up school year. . One of the things I’ve noticed was how many new teachers there are in the new school year. I am interested in what they can bring to the Galileo community. 

Another thing I observed was the new painted football field. While I don’t have PE classes or in any athletic clubs, I feel proud that our school looks a lot nicer and clean from the outside.

Francisco– I observed the schedule changed because 8:00 was too early so they changed it to 8:40. And now school ends at 3:50 or 2:50 on Wednesday and Thursday. I feel this could be a good thing for some if they live far or don’t have direct transportation but this also could be a bad thing because we will all also get home one hour later than before.

Another thing I noticed is there are more people on their phones during class than before at the start of the year. The students on the phone doesn’t really affect me but when they are in my group, I feel disappointed when they don’t help the group.

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