Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

An Unprecedented Thanksgiving for the Galileo Community

By Jimmy Khuc & Han Pham & Nicholas Wong, staff writers

It is the first week back from Thanksgiving break and due to the current pandemic, many people may have celebrated Thanksgiving differently compared to their normal celebrations from years prior, with some people not being able to see loved ones or not celebrating it at all. The Galileo Press wanted to know, “How was Thanksgiving celebrated differently this year due to COVID-19 compared to other years?”

Nguyen Nguyen – Grade 12

“Personally, thanksgiving has been the same for me. I don’t celebrate it, so it’s just another day for me! I did my college applications, played piano, breakdance, and ran. Hope everyone else had a fun thanksgiving though!”

Krystal Wong – Grade 11

“I used to hang out with my friends and play games together but this year we can’t go to each other’s house so I think it’s too boring compared to others.”

Cindy Huang – Grade 10

“Many people are staying at home this year because of COVID19. We used to go to relatives’ homes for Thanksgiving, but this year we all stayed at home and didn’t celebrate.”

Elaine Sun – Grade 11

“My family and I couldn’t go on fun trips like we used to because it’s not safe. Specifically on Thanksgiving day, my family and I would go shopping for a bit during the day. Then at night, we went over to my cousin’s house to have Korean BBQ and hotpot together.”

Sally Li – Grade 12

“Unfortunately due to covid, we were unable to celebrate with my cousins, aunts, and uncles. Usually, we would celebrate by attending my grandparents’ house and having hotpot. However, this year, my mom and dad just decided to order KFC and at home. On the other hand, I liked the extra day I got to spend at home to relax and focus on college applications.”

Ms. Peters –  English teacher

“Most years, I celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, my parents, sister, niece, brother, and nephew. We used to gather at my sister’s house and we would potluck the meal with traditional American Thanksgiving food like turkey and stuffing, and usually someone will make some Thai dishes from my mother’s homeland as well. This year, we did not get together. Instead, I went to a friend’s house who I have made part of my “pod” during the pandemic. She usually spends time with her family on Thanksgiving, as well, but this year also could not. We, along with one other friend, cooked and ate and spent time outside without any of our families around. It was nice, but not what any of us are used to.”

Ben Liang – Grade 10

“Normally my family and I just eat together, and we have a good time, but COVID-19 separated my family apart. Due to quarantine and the increase in cases, we did not get to reunite and gather around like we did in previous years.”

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