Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Distance Learning Editorials

After 8 long months of the pandemic, Galileo Journalists wanted to describe their personal experience regarding Distance learning to their peers and how its personally affected them. Many Galileo Journalists have differing opinions about distance learning which makes their stories worth the while.

  • Effects Distance Learning Had on Me
    When I first heard that we were going to begin distance learning after spring break last year I didn’t know how to feel about that. I imagined that school was going to be easier because the workload would be less & teachers couldn’t give such difficult assignments. And I was right when we first started. ...
  • Distance Learning, Not What I Expected
    When I first heard about distance learning I was nervous. Like most other students and even teachers, I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, the school year finished off pretty easily as everyone was just getting used to the new system. As this year rolled around, I was anxious again because I heard it was ...
  • Avoiding The Spread
    Ever since the unfortunate occurrence of a pandemic in late 2019, we have had to take precautions to further prevent cases of Covid 19 in San Francisco by not sending students to school. The option to do this was a very smart move on the part of the SFUSD, the only way for students to ...
  • Distance Learning, A Privilege and the Root of Stress
    It is always best to find the good in whatever circumstances you’re in. Although my experience with distance learning has been quite rocky, I’ve found some bright sides to it.
  • My Experience with Distance Learning
    When online school first started, I was really excited and thought it would be easier than regular school and I wouldn’t have to do much work. My expectations were pretty accurate last year. My teachers didn’t assign that much work. Our schedule was also pretty relaxed as we had each class one time a week. ...
  • Distance Learning is Difficult
    When distance learning was first introduced, I was honestly pretty excited. Being able to stay at home, having all day to do your homework, and even being able to join your class in bed, is almost like a dream too good to be true. However, it hasn’t been as good as it seemed.
  • Online School: Both Sides
    At the beginning of distance learning last March, I found it difficult because it was really easy to get distracted at home, while my teachers still gave me tons of work to complete.
  • My Opinion on Distance Learning
    I’ve always wondered what distance learning would be like because there was a point where I didn’t like school. I’ve seen kids being homeschooled and it looked like they had lots of fun and I’ve always wanted to try it out. But now that I’ve finally got the chance to try it, through distance learning, ...
  • A New Junior During Distance Learning Time
    When I first heard about us starting learning online in March of last year, it all felt so chaotic. I didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a new challenge for me since I have just moved from Vietnam to Galileo 2 months prior. I had not even been acquainted with friends and ...
  • The Adversity of Distance Learning
    2020 was an unfortunate year for many due to the covid-19 pandemic; it was plagued with deaths and tragedies. It’s been the year where we all have to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and students aren’t exempt from that. Personally, having the stress of graduating and completing assignments while people you love contract covid has ...

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