Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Ms. Walson

by Laney F, Staff Writer

How many years have you worked at Galileo? How many years as department head? 

I have worked at Galileo for 9 years and have been a department head for 6

Why did you decide to teach at Galileo? 

I did my student teaching here and fell in love with the community and the students.

What are your extra responsibilities as department head?

I am in charge of all compliance laws for English Learners, which means a lot of extra paperwork and testing! I also lead department meetings and work closely with the counselors to help students. 

What are the benefits/drawbacks?

I have such a great department! They make it easy to keep doing this job. 

What is your least favorite thing about being a department head? 

My least favorite thing is being in charge of testing.

Why did you want to become a department head? 

I am passionate about advocating for English Learner students and ensuring they are receiving equitable services at Galileo in order to be successful.  The previous department head, Kathleen Golata, created a really successful program, and I wanted to keep that going and help it grow. 

How hard is it to balance your tasks as a department head and classroom teacher?

It can be really difficult to manage all of the tasks I need to get done, but I have an amazing department who helps make things easier!

How do you think other teachers would describe you as department head? 

I hope they would say that I do whatever it takes to help the students and teachers be successful, advocate for the needs of our students, and am always available whenever someone needs something. 

What qualities do you bring as department head? 

I would say that I’m organized, collaborative, and a problem solver.

FUN FACT about yourself (in/outside of school)

I minored in dance in college at San Francisco State and used to teach dance in my hometown of Benicia.

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