Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

By Brandon Su, Staff Writer 

Just the thought of graduating high school still baffles me. The whole high school experience just felt like it flew by so fast, it is crazy just thinking about it. Coming into highschool I was very nervous about everything, I was going to a new school, one that wasn’t even in the top 3 that I was aiming for. I knew little to no people and the campus was still foreign to me. The main thing that uplifted me was sports. Sports definitely changed my experience  at Galileo for the better.

The first sport that I had joined was the Galileo dragon boat team during my freshman year, which I really enjoyed. Being on that team allowed me to meet many new  people, some of whom I am still in contact with to this day. The competitive atmosphere also pushed me to become a better person, I worked out, got stronger and faster. Working out with others was a huge difference from working out alone. The impact it had made on me still stays with me today.  Sadly, when the COVID 19 pandemic happened, the season was cut short, and after a while in quarantine, I lost interest. Despite that, it was still a very enjoyable time in my highschool career. 

The second sport that I joined was the football team. This decision surprised both me and my parents, as I was never one to play heavily physically demanding sports. The way I ended up joining the team was pretty funny too. My family and I were on a road trip, and midway through, out of nowhere, I just blurted out that I wanted to play football. My parents were reluctant at first, but soon gave up on trying to convince me otherwise. 

My time on the team was definitely the highlight of my high school. I learned just how important teamwork was in team sports. – how

 Another thing that I will be bringing with me even through all my years will be the importance of discipline. This sport especially taught us how to be responsible and accountable for the things that I did. Life lessons right there. 
Being on the team also pushed me to work out and get back into shape again. After the pandemic, I came out quite a bit heavier, which I really did not like. Competing with the team was also such a highlight, being able to be out on the field playing ball felt unreal, before that point, I had never imagined I would be playing. There are definitely a lot of memories I made with this team, and many that I would remember many years in the future.

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