Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco


by Josue Acevedo, Staff Writer

My time in Galileo was pretty fun, but odd to say the least. I didn’t get to fully live up to the “high school experience” because freshman year was short. But that was okay because junior year turned out to be one of the best years because of 2 two friends I met. 

Heading back to school after the pandemic felt odd. I hadn’t seen any of my friends since they announced the pandemic all the way in 2019. I was surprised that some of them changed a lot. It was shocking to see someone after you haven’t seen them for over a year, It was also hard to tell who they were since we were mandated to wear masks, but in general, it was hard at first since I had gotten used to the old schedule during the pandemic.

6th period in particular was new. It was a new class, weight training, I was given. I didn’t know anyone except for my peers, but I don’t really talk to them a lot. They were more acquaintances than friends, but they were very nice. I was by myself for a few days, but I saw this girl who also seemed quite lonely, so I decided to talk to her. I was shy at first but it slowly progressed. She introduced herself to me. She was just a year older than me, so this was her senior year, and she told me her name was Daniela. She was also very shy, but we slowly got closer. We had the same taste in music and watched our favorite YouTubers.

Somehow after the first couple of weeks in school during 5th period digital communication class, I surprisingly saw Daniela. It was basically like a manifestation. It was so unexpected because the whole two weeks before I never saw her in that class probably because I didn’t pay much attention to my surroundings. 

But now we sat next to each other, and beside her was another girl. Her name is Chira. She was a year younger at the time she was a sophomore she was very shy and timid at first she didn’t talk much. I decided to get her involved in me and Daniela’s conversations. She later became comfortable with us and we all became closer. I was now looking forward to the 5th period. 

We would basically talk all the time while doing our class assignments. It made our class work fun. When groups were assigned we always picked each other. We were that close a bond that could not be ripped apart. I was getting used to their company. Around the end of the first semester sadly Chira had to move away to Paris due to her parents getting a job offer. We all planned to hang out during lunch but also we planned to have a picnic with her just to say our final goodbyes before she left. Even though she left we were still able to keep in contact. We had her socials and phone number to keep in touch.

It was just me and Daniela. It was now the second semester of school and Daniela was now preparing for her graduation. Seeing how close we gotten, it was heartwarming but also sad  because I wouldn’t be able to see her anymore next year since she’s committed to going to Uc Santa Cruz.

  On the last day with her we decided to have lunch together. We talked about our plans for our future and how we hope to keep in touch when she leaves off to college and we decided to keep that promise. Ever since she left, we still keep in touch. We call or text every week to keep ourselves updated about lives and gossip. Even though she left, we still have a strong bond, and we never get bored with each other. She will always be someone I can count on, and she will forever be one of my favorite friends I’ve met.

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