Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Galileo Teachers Who Had Significant Impact

by Marylin R, Staff Writer

The right teacher can have a significant impact on your academic progress as a student. It’s not just about what they teach; it’s also about how they inspire and guide students to success. 

To give context In the beginning of my junior year I didn’t care much and was very unmotivated to the point I missed out on a ton of school and school work, which made me think that I am not not the above average student. I thought I wasn’t meant to be an exceptional student, and honestly thought I would never change. 

But thanks to Mr. O and Mr. Selisgon, two teachers who did everything in their power to help me realize my full potential, my junior year was a turning point in my academic career. I did change. I got more than satisfactory grades and branched out to do things in the field I want to be in and experience new things and explore opportunities. 

Mr. O, my ethics studies teacher, is one of the most enthusiastic and committed teachers I’ve ever encountered. He presents complex moral ideas in a unique way that makes them relevant and interesting. He wanted us to understand the material and put it into practice in the real world, not just memorize it. Mr. O encourages us to develop our own moral compass, question our assumptions, and think critically.

He helped me realize that I have a passion for philosophy and ethics that I was unaware of previously. He pushed me to dig further into the material. Additionally, he provided me with individual feedback on my work, which significantly aided in my writing development. I did well in his classes and gained new confidence in my academic abilities because of his support and guidance. When it came to writing papers, he would push me into writing something I was passionate about, and my work would show the effort and time I put into it. He helped me reach the potential I knew I had, but had never been able to show before. 

Mr. Seligson, my U.S. history teacher, was another educator who had a significant impact on my academic career. Through his engaging lectures and imaginative assignments, he brought American history to life.

He took the time to talk to me and offer support whenever I struggled with a task or felt overwhelmed. Even when I did not believe in myself, he encouraged and encouraged me to succeed, and he believed in me. He would tell me that my ability is determined by a grade but oh how much effort and work you put into it and if you know that you can actually succeed in where you are doing. I applied that mentality to all my work and produced my best work yet.

With the help of these 2 teachers, I was able to accomplish more academically than I could have imagined. They have helped me discover my love of learning, improve my ability to think critically, and become more self-assured and assertive. Their effect on my life will remain with me for a long time academically and in my own personal life away from school. The advice and ideas they gave me will follow me everywhere.

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