Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Chemistry teacher peddles past anxiety

By Jennifer Olano, Staff Writer

Following a severe accident in the middle of a competitive biking event, Chemistry Teacher Ray Lee, found himself hesitating to return to the sport he loved. Although it has taken him years to overcome his fear after the accident, he now has a new perspective on biking.

In the final laps of “Criterium”, an intense bike race at UC San Diego, Mr. Lee picked up too much speed, leading to a frightening crash that left him with a broken collarbone. The impact on his collarbone required him to be braced for about a month and to perform physical therapy for the next 5. This experience left a deep impact, making him give up biking due to the fear of more accidents.

After the crash, Mr. Lee struggled with depression as well as weight gain. Thankfully, over the next three years, his teammates encouraged him which gave him the  motivation he needed to get back on the saddle and start cycling again.

Although Mr. Lee no longer has a passion to compete in biking events and push his limits, he still enjoys being a casual biker, and rides his bike to Galileo everyday. 

 When he was asked about what he enjoyed the most about riding, Mr. Lee says, “What I love to do everyday is ride to and from work, the best part about it is enjoying the weather, being able to destress after a long day or just get my mood right,“ 

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