Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Teacher’s Pet[s]

Some students, regardless of grade, would agree with anything a teacher has to say and would be held in a higher regard then others. But they could never be the one as the space has already been occupied by somebody much more precious. Galileo press has interviewed teacher’s pets to see why they are held in high regards.

Ms. Peters

What is the pet(s) name?

Charlie Brown & Sally, 11 years old (Both)

Why did you choose to adopt them?

My other cat died and I was having lunch with my friend 11 years ago in June and said to go to the animal control shelter to see if there were any kittens, and I agreed. And I was looking at Charlie because I wanted an orange cat and he was with his sister, Sally. So I adopted them both and now they hate each other.

1 interesting fact about them

Because they are part Minx, they both have messed up tails but it’s genetic.

Ms. Su

What is the pet(s) name?

Gidget, 10 years old

Why did you choose to adopt them?

She was rescued by someone who volunteered at a feral cat colony and they found this very young kitten that was petite so they called her Midget but after she grew up, they named her Gidget because it rhymes with Midget.

1 interesting fact about them

She only knows two people, Mr. Su and me, if anybody else comes over, she’ll hide until they are gone and we feel very lucky because she is a little sweetie-pie and she is soft like a bunny rabbit.

Ms. Franzen

What is the pet(s) name?

Baby Troll & Sumi, 17 years old (Both)

How old are they?

17 years old (Both)

Why did you choose to adopt them?

They adopted me. We found them in the wood piles by the sawmill and they were more friendly than the others.

1 interesting fact about them

Sumi is the king of the yard and follows me around like a dog and knows which workshops it can go in and which one he cannot. Baby Troll is possibly the dirtiest cat I ever met, he likes to roll in dirt piles and usually has cobwebs in his head.

Mr. Lee

What is the pet(s) name?

Bao Bao & Chopper, 13 years old (Both)

Why did you choose to adopt them?

His cousin was moving back to Taiwan and couldn’t take them so we took them. They were going to the shelter but my partner said they’re too cute to go to the shelter so we adopted them.

1 interesting fact about them

Bao Bao just stares off into the world and doesn’t really know commands, very food motivated, and doesn’t know boundaries. Chopper despite that, is a bit more intelligent and responds to their name when called, Bao Bao doesn’t. Chopper is also very particular in who she interacts with.

Mr. Cossey

What is the pet(s) name?

Moshi & Moto, 13 years old & 14 years old

Why did you choose to adopt them?

I had a cat for 20 years and he died so my wife saw this cat (Moshi) during Christmas at Macy’s window and he was just a kitty. And she decided to get it for her husband so she got it for me. And the other one was kind of lonely so they decided to adopt another cat so he wouldn’t be lonely.

1 interesting fact about them

Moshi being adopted from Macy’s window is pretty interesting. Moto is a very loud cat that wakes us up every morning to eat at 4 am and won’t stop meowing until he gets to eat.

Mr. Ayala

What is the pet(s) name?

Bernard Sumner (Barney) & Samuel P. Huntingcat (Sammy) 9 years old & 1 years old

Why did you choose to adopt them?

My neighbor gave me my first cat named Atticus and then Atticus friend Church jumped through my kitchen window to be friends. When Atticus died, it was just me and Church and I though that it wasn’t right for Church to be alone right when Atticus died, my sister’s cat had a bunch of kittens and Barney was among the bunch of them. So drove there to pick up Barney and the two of them were friends for years. A year and a half ago, Church died when it was right during school year and I didn’t have time to socialize with a new kitten so for 6 months it was just me and Barney. After neighbors said Barney would cry every time I was out so during Spring Break, I adopted Sammy from an adoption agency.

1 interesting fact about them

Barney does not care about people food except for one brand of tortillas that can only be found in east L.A. called Super A tortillas. If I get some of those tortillas from Super A, he would perk up, smell the air, when I turn my back, he’s on there. Sammy is the sweetest, most affectionate cat that I’ve ever had in my life.

Mr. Keough

What is the pet(s) name?

Cooper, 3 years old

Why did you choose to adopt them?

We had a dog previously and we had to put him down and we found a dog that looks just like him, we adopted him.

1 interesting fact about them

He loves people likes other animals but he wants to capture and eat them.

Mr. Fanning

What is the pet(s) name?

Cali, 3 years old

Why did you choose to adopt them?

I have a dog in my life for the past 30 years so when my last dog died, I got a new one.

1 interesting fact about them

She’s very sweet and independent.

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