Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Sophomores Winter Poll

By Logan Tracy, Riley Figueroa, Kelly Li, Myles Chu Staff Writers

School has just come back from its biggest break this school year and we at Galileo Press decided to ask Students “how was your Winter Break Overall?”

“What I did over the winter break was hanging out with my friends and partying a lot, I also had to go to work and stayed late at night playing video games” – Jay, Sophmore

 “I mainly re-watched my favorite show about 3 times. I also edited the book I’m working on currently. I also hung out with my family and did some show marathons with my little brother.” – Kaia , Sophmore

“It was ok, kinda wish I’ve done something more interesting and done more things. I went to my aunt’s house for Christmas and I went to a parade with my mom.” – Robin , Sophmore

“it was pretty good I chilled at home, built legos & saw some friends. I also spent a lot of time playing video games at home”- Viggo, Sophomore

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