Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Seniors Winter Poll

By: Jessica Chow, Ella Thomas and Christine Wu , staff writers

What was the most interesting thing about your winter break?

“Hanging out with my step sister [was the most interesting thing I did over break]. She came from Hawaii and she was here for five days. My favorite thing I did with her was staying up late and watching Netflix. – Marcus Y., Senior

“The most interesting thing that happened to me over the break was that my water heater broke, and I had to shower with cold water. It was a few days before new years and the weather was really cold. It was really sad.” – Anna D., Senior

“Over break I got to spend a lot of unexpected time alone, my family had COVID and I was in a hotel room for most of the break. It wasn’t what I wanted to have happen but it gave me a chance to take time for myself.” – Lyla P., Senior

“I went ice skating with my family. It was really packed but the energy was really great. It made my whole break.” – Jenin N., Senior

“Winning a tournament for wrestling. It was the first Saturday of winter break at Will C. Wood High School and I won the first place medal.” – Joseph T., Senior

“I enjoyed being together with my family. Being together is one of the best things you can have when you’re in times like this.” – Morgan S., Senior 

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