Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Father-Daughter duo

By Staff writer Cali L

For the past two years, Galileo’s soccer has been a big part of the Chaname family. Junior, Daniela played Varsity Soccer for the 2nd year, while Coach Miguel Chanmae, Daniela’s dad, has been the head coach. While some students wouldn’t want their dad to coach the high school team they play on, Daniela believes having her dad as her coach at Galileo has been great for their relationship.

Coming back from the pandemic, the girl’s soccer team was looking for a new coach, and Daniela suggested to her dad that he apply. “I wanted my dad to be the coach because I felt that he would be a perfect match for a last minute option,” said Daniela. 

Coach Miguel wasn’t sure in the beginning how the other players would react to him being the coach with Daniela being his daughter. He said, “At first, it was challenging because I didn’t want the rest of the team to think that because she was the coach’s daughter that she would get away with stuff.”

However, Coach Miguel made sure to set fair expectations of Daniela, and in turn, she has continued to work hard, even with him as coach.  Coach Miguel said, “I let Dani know that she would get the same treatment as the other players, because I was unsure what her attitude would have been after, but she took what I told her very well, and she put in the work as everyone else”

Daniela knows that her dad doesn’t give her any special treatment. She says, “My dad is strict with me; just like he is with other players, he holds everyone accountable.” She sees her dad as a great coach because he’s someone who wants success for everyone on the team. She said, “He [my dad] gives suggestions to help others improve their skills, whether it’s sending them videos or demonstrating how to work on their footwork, sliding skills etc, during practice. Helping others improve is one of my dad’s biggest goals.”

One of the reasons it’s been such an easy transition for Daniela and coach Miguel is that they have a history of working together. Daniela has been playing soccer since she was five, with her dad as her coach. Even while playing club soccer coaches noticed that she would always look for her dad on the other side of the field looking for tips and what to do.

 She loves being coached by her dad, he taught her everything she knows. She said, “I guess you can say he’s always been my coach,” adding “It’s definitely fun to have him around. It improves our relationship because we have that strong bond that will always be there and the way we can tell each other anything related to soccer.” 

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