Latin Bay soccer team

Latin Bay soccer team

 Although the Galileo boys soccer season ended a few months ago, a few players were looking to continue honing their skills, so they decided to start a team on their…
Boys Soccer’s Up & Down Week

Boys Soccer’s Up & Down Week

The Galileo boys soccer team got the win at home vs June Jordan High School (6-1) on February 8. With the win the Lions improved their record to 4-2 and…
PE Teachers New Year Poll

PE Teachers New Year Poll

What did you do on new year day? and the next day what did you do and/or how did you feel? I start my new year relaxed at home without…
Freshmen Winter Poll

Freshmen Winter Poll

What was the things you were doing aver the winter break? In the winter break I went with my family to "Reno" I loved seeing "Reno" because I had never…