Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Seniors Say Goodbye

By Jenny Chen, staff writer

Senior Night ended the season with a celebration for the Galileo Girl’s Varsity team, beating Mission in 3 sets 25-21, 25-11, and 25-19 on October 25th. With all the seniors playing their last game of high school volleyball, everyone was really sad it was all over, but happy to end the season with a win.

 In the match against Mission, all the seniors had the chance to play as they had a good start to the game, while keeping Mission under pressure to work for their points. The 2 parts of the game that the Lions were successful in were good serves, and finishing rally points with kills. 

Even the crazy and unpleasant crowd Mission brought couldn’t dampen the Lions spirits as they enjoyed their last time together as a team. 

For the seniors, there were mixed emotions to see the season come to an end. “It’s bittersweet because I’ve been playing for a while, but I’m happy we ended on a good note. Overall I enjoyed playing with everyone and it was a fun season,” says senior defense specialist Frisca M. 

Senior Susan Wu added, “I feel relieved that I had a good last volleyball season but also sad that the season went by so quickly. This season went unexpectedly well because even though this year, half of the team were players I never got to play with before, the team was very open and fun to play with.” 

Other seniors feel good about the opportunity they had to play this season, but are also ready to move on.“My last season felt like it was bittersweet because although it was stressful, it was fun. But now that it has ended I feel a good feeling of being relieved and having more time to do my homework and focus on school,” says senior opposite hitter Corey Tran. 

Overall, all the seniors will look back at this season fondly. Senior libero Kaylee Ong says, “It doesn’t feel real yet because volleyball has been a part of my life since I was in third grade. I think that our season went better than I expected. We beat teams that we lost to last year and I’m glad this season ended the way it did.”

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