Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Fencing barely loses first match

By Laney Figueroa, staff writer

Bringing 5 returners & 1 freshmen, the Galileo’s fencing team facing off against George Washington High School for their first match, on March 15th, barely losing 4-5.

Despite the loss, with a total group of about 19 fencers, the team is optimistic about their season, even after losing their first match. The team feels hopeful about the improvements they can make to make sure they get a win in their next games. Junior, Niko P. says “We did good for our first game and I hope that we win our future matches.” Fencing team captain, Senior, Madeline F. added, “Since this is our first game of the year I think we did good and the person who just joined did well for their first game.”

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