Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Ms. Sanchez

What do you like to do when you’re outside of school? Favorite hobbies?

I love walks to the ocean and I love spending time with my dog. (I have the most gorgeous dogs in the world.)

What type of music genre do you like to listen to?

I love 80’s and 90’s music, but I do love all kinds of music. Right now Harry Styles is my jam right now and I like Lady Gaga.

Do you have any secret talents or skills?

I think I’m a great cook. I cook and I bake. (very good at it)

What led you to this job?

I always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was in elementary school, and as I got to college one of my first jobs was working at the high highschool where I graduated from. I was a para helping teacher in different classes, and also working in the counseling office and I think the counseling office kind of gave me more of a perspective of what education was. 

What motivates you to work hard?

I just feel like I need to complete what I start and I just feel like with any job regardless of what you do whether it’s a janitor, teacher, lawyer , doctor and that’s for you. I think what motivates me is the fact that I am maybe making a difference even if I make a difference in one person’s life. 

What do you like/love about your job?

I realize I’m in charge of someone’s future. I’m going to make sure students pass these classes, and they come  to school. The best part of it is the students and I feel like I need to be here because I’m setting an example.

What do you least like about your job?

The paperwork. It’s the constant paperwork or when parents blame us for students’ attendance or grades. I most dislike when you are held responsible for something that’s beyond you or outside of work. There’s a lot of paperwork, so you don’t do as much therapy and counseling that you want to. I don’t get to see my students as much as I’d like to.

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