Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Mr. Reid’s life experiences compel him to help students

Driven by his experience with dyslexia as a student, new assistant principal, Mr. Jacob Reid, hopes to make an impact in the Galileo community and help improve education for students with learning disabilities. From his past experiences, Mr. Reid hopes that he can inspire students to pursue their passions no matter the drawbacks and challenges in their way.

After experiencing difficulty with learning from when he was a child all the way through college, due to his dyslexia, Mr. Reid is looking to create better outcomes for students with disabilities at Galileo, such as helping them achieve better scores in school and preparing them for the real world. He wants to personally help them achieve the goals and careers they are passionate about. Mr. Reid says, “I hope that I can support teachers and staff in creating better outcomes for students, especially students with disabilities.”

Although only having been at Galileo for a short time, from what Mr. Reid has seen, he is impressed by the diversity of the Galileo community, and the willingness of the community to help each other. He believes that the teachers are all capable and the students are eager to learn. With such a welcoming community and a hardworking educational environment, he is encouraged to work harder for the community and wants to help student scholars realize their true potential.

Outside of school, Mr. Reid is a gaming enthusiast who loves to meet with family members online, in particular his father or 2 brothers who are currently living in other states. The main games he plays include; “Call of Duty” and “God of War”. Mr. Reid often averages about 7 hours a week playing video games, and feels that video games can be a form of stress relief from work life, for those who are looking for a break.

Before Mr. Reid got into education, he had a career in politics; supporting a presidential campaign, and even writing or editing speeches for politicians.

In 2003, Mr. Reid served as Assistant to Director of Office Operations for former Senator John Edwards in his presidency campaign. In his role, he participated in door-to-door campaigns, phone banks, provided assistance during the Presidential Primary, and conducted research on campaign developments and opponents. Although the former senator did not win the presidential campaign due to unforeseen developments, Mr. Reid ended up in Texas for another political role.

While in Texas, from 2004-2005, Mr. Reid assisted State Rep. Dawnna Dukes as a speechwriter and legislative assistant. Mr. Reid’s job was to keep track of ever-updating legislation to help the state representation. He also wrote and edited speeches and coordinated advance work in preparation for events. When the representative was absent, he was also sometimes required to speak in her stead and respond to constituent requests.

After his time spent in the political world, Mr. Reid decided to transition from politics to education. He had seen the nature of politics and disliked the backhanded tactics, information war on political opponents, and the role of money. The lifestyle also just wasn’t suitable since he wanted to settle down and start a family, but frequently moved all over the country to aid politicians. Additionally, he wanted a career that had a more positive effect on society. Relocating to San Francisco in 2008 due to his democratic beliefs and alignment, he entered the world of education to help students realize their dreams.

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