Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

The Hallway Situation

By Jonathan Caamal | Yovanny Mex Staff Writer

Several students and teachers have mentioned disruptions in the hallways, such as running, banging on lockers, and kids skipping class. So the Galileo press wanted to talk to teachers and students to ask for their opinions on the hallways and how it impacts the community at Galileo “so we went around asking staff and students what should be done about the disruptions in the hallways. ”

“I would say more options should be given to students that are seen cutting class, for example, providing them with a period of study or offering them an opportunity to help maybe improve the school by cleaning or decorating the school with some artwork, instead of doing nothing and just cutting class. These students would feel like they’re part of a community and would encourage them to go to class.”

Ms.Chan l School Counselor

“We don’t need rules; the hallway rules should already be established and clear to the students that they should be in class as soon as the bell rings. As teachers, we should try our best to understand our students and ask what they need in order to keep them in class and form a community

– Mr.Delgado | Ethnic Studies Teacher|

“Schools should be more ‘strict’ when it comes to students keeping their hands off artwork, flyers, or posters that are posted on the walls. I’ve noticed that several pieces have been disturbed and it’s disrespectful to the people who put their hard work into it. This would help clubs and other sports to have their flyers be known and it’ll spread more opportunities to others.”

– Lualhati N, 12th grade

“Students should have a certain amount of time when they get sent to the bathroom, one way that this can work would be to have the student turn in their phone before they leave to go to the bathroom so they have a purpose to come back to class. This rule would work by also minimizing the numbers of people out in the hallways during class and passing periods.”

– Ganni V, 12th grade

“There should be a three-strike system to keep the hallways quieter, where if you get three strikes will be sent down to the main office with the principal” this will help keep the hallways quieter and empty because it’ll make students not want to get in trouble with the principle.”

– Dayna M, 12th Grade

“I’d say the school should put up posters around the school that give reminders about the consequences of you getting caught cutting class this will maybe help with scaring the students by not wanting to face the consequences which would then make them want to go to class to not get in trouble”

– Patrick, 11th Grade

“I believe the school should have harsher punishments on students who don’t go to class and disturb the other classrooms. This rule would have a dramatic decrease in how we see the hallways now; I do think that if this rule were to be applied, it would make a difference.”

– Kevin P, 10th Grade

“As my first year in high school I believe that the rules are good, but they can also use some improvements. Something that can possibly work would be to reduce the time you have to get to class because that’ll want to make students walk faster and it’ll be easier for security to spot the students who don’t go to class.”

– Israa K, 9th Grade

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