Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Classes Clash At Dodgeball Tournament

By Jonathan Caamal, Staff Writer

The sound of flying rubber balls and loud cheers echoed throughout the Van Ness gym as students from all grades participated in vigorous games of dodgeball on March 21-23rd during lunch. The ASB hosted the class dodgeball competition to try and promote more student involvement in school pep rallies. Day one competition was the freshman vs sophomores, with the class of 2025 coming out as the winners. Day two was the juniors vs seniors, with the class of 2026 coming out as the winners, and then on day three, the sophomores faced off against the juniors, with the juniors ultimately being crowned dodgeball champions.

History teacher Mr. Seligson said “It was an Idea that ASB and I came up with. We’re looking for ways to involve student and teacher engagement. There have been multiple students who have been wanting more competition between the classes. This is just one of many steps of involving students in activities and would also want more variety of genders participating.”

Participants of the dodgeball tournament had a great time. Sophomore Dom.S said “I liked this activity. It bonded us together and enjoy time with friends. It was also very competitive against other classes, and as an athlete, I enjoy the competitiveness it brought. Seeing people from different grades and having fun is something that you don’t really see much of, so having an activity like this brings the school together as a community. “

Physics teacher Mr. O added, “I’m the freshman class sponsor and it was fun. It’s really cool when teachers and students get together for activities. There have been a lot of times where teachers walk around the hallways and students don’t know who they are, and participating in these activities brings us together as a community, outside and inside the classroom.”

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