Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

How it feels to be a twin

My sister Kaitlyn and I have been through almost everything together, we’re twins. Whether it be academic, like having the same classes and teachers, or things that happen outside of school, like summer programs and vacations, we’re always doing things together, which means there are some definite downsides, but most of the time it’s nice.

Kaitlyn and I are pretty close. What makes us so close is that we tell each other about everything, whereas maybe siblings who are older or younger may not know each other’s friends or just have completely separate lives from each other. We’re also more willing to help each other since we’ve been together our whole lives.

It feels pretty special being a twin since it feels like you have a special connection with your sibling since you were born at basically the same time. Sometimes Kaitlyn and I will think of the same thing and say it at the same time, or open our doors at home to do the same thing. We say its “twin telepathy”. So I’d say it’s pretty special. 

But the flip side is I’d say it’s always pretty easy to get into fights about little things that one of us does to make the other person annoyed. For example, recently when we were at home, I wanted one of my sister’s gummy bears, so I reached in for a gummy bear but she pulled it away and it got me annoyed since I only wanted one. Then it turned into a whole argument and she left really mad at the whole situation. 

The positives of being a twin definitely trump most of the negative stuff though. When we need help with academic stuff we are always there to help each other. My sister always helps me proofread my essays and helps me study for upcoming math tests, while I always help her with science. Even when I know there’s an upcoming test, there’s also always a big sigh of relief because I know I can always just ask my sister for some help. Also since we’re the same age group we get the same classes most of the time, which makes the class way easier for us then most people. It’s like having your own personal study partner at your house.

I think my favorite memory about being a twin was when Kaitlyn and I went to summer programs together when we were in 8th grade. It was a program that got us ready for high school and it was the last day of the program so we were about to get our payment that the program promised which was 1000 dollars in a debit card. When Kaitlyn and I got into the car to activate our cards we tried and tried for ours but it wouldn’t activate, then we looked at the names of our cards and realized we had swapped our cards somehow, it was a really funny moment. 

Having a twin sister in my life is amazing, considering that she is my exact age so she can understand me pretty well and she can help me with things in academics. I am very lucky to have her in my life.

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