Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Pros and Cons of being at Galileo

Many people don’t know much about Galileo High school, but usually just make assumptions based off its reputation or what they’ve heard from others. However, Galileo’s reputation isn’t what the school really is, so the Galileo press went around asking teachers and students, “Whats something positive and negative about Galileo you describe to tell someone who’s thinking about attending the school?” 

“Something positive is that this school is very active, they like to have events. Something negative is that the bathrooms are dirty and I don’t like to use them because of that.”

-Douglass Merino, 9th grade

 “ A good thing about this school is that they allow us to go off campus for lunch. A bad thing about this school is that the classes are too far from each other and don’t let me get to class on time.”

-Rayen, Saidi, 9th grade

“ I don’t like that we only get 40 minutes for lunch because its not enough time. I like that the school lunch gives us a variety of food to pick from and not the same thing everyday.”

-Koby Rodriguez, 10th grade

“ The painting around the building like the walls and the floors are messed up and doesn’t look new. The school lunch is good and I eat it almost everyday.”

-Allan Silva, 10th grade

“The schedule is very good because I get to all my classes in time. The bathrooms are not the best because they are very nasty. I think that they should clean the bathrooms.”

-Raullin Ix, 11th grade

“Something positive about Galileo is that there is off campus lunch. The reason I say this is because some schoos don’t have off campus lunch, for example is Burton and mission. I don’t like that the boys locker room is far away from the gym.”

-Leo Mejia,11th grade

“This school is cool and chill because everyone is kind to eachother. I kinda don’t like that we only get 40 minutes of lunch and it should be 1 hour.”

-Fabian Ramos, 12th grade

“I like that we can go off campus and that the security are very chill with students. I don’t like how the school is shaped because it very confusing and big.”

-Ray Lee, 12th grade

“The students work hard and study hard as well. However, some don’t come to class because they are skipping in the hallways, and that’s not responsible.”

-Ms. Juan, Algebra 1

“Students are really passionate, have a lot of energy, and they push eachother to become better. Something negative is that the heaters in the school don’t work well.

-Ms. Edstall, Algebra 1

“There are great colleagues in the science department. The bad part is that too many students are not engaged because they mess around.”

-Mr. Biorn, Biology 

“Students come in class ready to learn with a lot of energy. Something I don’t like about this school is that there’s a lot of stairs.”

-Mr. Aguilar, Ethnic Studies

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