Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Cross Country Faces Fastest Foe

By Kevin Tan, staff writer

With the cross country season wrapping up in 2 weeks, Galileo cross country raced it’s last district-only meet on November 3rd at the GGP Polo Fields in Golden Gate Park. Competing against  the top team in the city, Lowell High School, as well as Washington High School, Lion runners posted good scores overall as the 9 boys came in 2nd place, while the 7 girls 3rd place. The boys received 43 points and the girls scored 64 in the meet.  The cross country point system is similar to golf, with the lower the score the better. 

Team captain senior, Jeffrey D., has been really happy with the way the team has competed this season, saying, “[Our team is] faster than ever, with some of our runners being close to the fastest people of Lowell’s team; we also got some of our people in the top 3s and receive a lot of medals too.” 
Looking ahead, the team is ready to end the season strong at the all-city meet. Junior David X., gave his predictions all-city saying, “I think Galileo has a chance, but it’s gonna be difficult since Lowell has so many fast runners”

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