Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

COVID Protocols at School

COVID rules have required adaption and discipline from students and staff, including; requiring everyone to wear a mask indoors, distancing in the hallways or even no more eating lunch in the hallways. So the Galileo press decided to ask about students and staff personal experience with the COVID rules, specifically: How has your experience with the Covid safety protocols been? And, are The COVID rules necessary, and are they being followed by students and staff?

“It’s been pretty easy to follow the COVID protocols, it doesn’t feel that different and the easiest to follow is just keeping my mask on inside the building. I don’t think the COVID protocols have changed any of my school experience. All of the COVID rules are pretty necessary because they protect the students and staff. I think most of the students follow the rules because they don’t want to catch COVID themselves

Senior, Isabelle Ho

“Yes, its been really easy The easiest one is probably to wear a mask cause its not really that hard to keep a mask on at all times I guess I just can’t drink water whenever I want to but that’s about it. One that is necessary is to keep a mask on because it just helps stop spreading it cause of the closed environment and one we probably don’t need is social distancing cause no one really follows it anyway and also the fact that its sometimes pretty cramped in classrooms I think some people follow COVID rules and some people don’t it just depends”

Freshman, Ryan Wong

 “Yeah I think it has been easy to follow COVID rules. I think in general I’m concerned about the safety about the people in my life such as my students, my family, and my friends. For me I think its pretty easy to follow because I keep my mask on at all times, sometimes I have to remind my students to keep their mask on at all times. its not to much of an issue for me the mask isn’t pleasant I think we can all agree but I do think it is important. One thing that has changes is I used to let students eat in my room as long as they don’t make a mess, it was never a big deal. I’d rather let students be in class on time then coming in late cause they had to eat lunch but I haven’t been able to do that. Right now I’ve been eating during my prep period or later in the day because I can’t really eat during lunch because I’m usually tutoring someone and I can’t eat cause I don’t want to take off my mask in front of them, but sometimes I do feel dehydrated throughout the day because I’m not drinking enough water. That’s been different cause I always drink water in class but I don’t want people to see me with my mask off. I think all the rules are necessary because their isn’t as many cases as people thought which shows that the rules are actually working. I’ve noticed that there are some people in the hallways not wearing masks but people are people right? but generally what i’ve found is that students will most likely put their mask back on but sometimes they do need to get a reminder to wear their masks”

World History, AP U.S History Teacher, Ms.Tang

“it has been easy to follow the protocols. The easiest one to follow is definitely wearing a mask.The COVID protocol has changed my school experience because the things you can do in class are limited such as where you can sit and be around. COVID rules that are necessary are wearing a mask because that is the most efficient way to prevent the spread of the virus. The unnecessary rules I feel are the rules that say you can’t leave your seat because I don’t think it could be spread in that short amount of time of leaving your seat. I think most students follow the rules but there are definitely some who don’t because I see people not wearing masks in halls pretty often but other than that most people wear them at all times”

Junior, Miles Eller

“Yes I am able to always keep my mask on to make sure that people around me, including me are safe. The easiest rule to follow is keeping my mask on at all times. The hardest rule I would say is staying 6 feet apart because of small classrooms with many students. I think keeping your mask on is a little challenging when it comes to eating and talking with your friends at lunch. I believe all rules are necessary that’s why they are there. No I don’t see students break the COVID policy, because I think many students follow most of the rules but there are a handful who don’t follow the rules”

Sophmore, Laney Figueroa

“Yes I can keep my mask on and I can’t think of any rule that is hard to follow. I’m going off the top of my head there is a concept of contact tracing I realize its not perfect but I consider the rules necessary because it can prevent spreading. I can’t remember all of the rules but there was a teacher presentation at the beginning of school but I can’t think of any that aren’t necessary. Students in my class every once in a while will not follow the mask rule but that’s rare and when I tell them to put it on or make a gesture then they would know what I’m talking about. It’s not like they don’t have their mask on it’s just sometimes their exposing their nose. The other one I’ve noticed that during lunch time they should not be eating close together and at the very beginning I told them to separate and I haven’t seen it being a problem now except occasionally I see students in the hallway with their mask down.”

Chemistry Teacher, Mr. Matsumoto

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